
The workshop "Numerical Simulations of Galaxy Formation in the Era of Large Scale Surveys" will take place at the Lyon Observatory from Oct. the 17th (at 1:30pm) till Oct. the 19th at noon. Its main purpose will be to promote the dialog between the numerical and observational French communities which are concerned with galaxy formation in the cosmological context. This workshop will hold a series of reviews which will assess the state of the art both in terms of numerical simulations and in terms of extra-galactic observations. These reviews will be accompanied by smaller talks zooming onto specific techniques and recent results from both communities. Discussions and the conclusion session will be the opportunity to discuss past experiences of exchanges and collaborations between the two communities, and to build joint prospectives.

The talks and discussions will be focused on a restricted (though vast) number of topics: (i) Very high redshift galaxies and reionization; (ii) The physics of the IGM and its emission processes; (iii) The role of galaxy interactions and mergers in the cosmological context; (iv) Physics of star formation and supernovae feedback; (v) The statistical evolution of multi-wavelength properties of galaxies.


Deadline for registration: Sept. 30

In order to register, please send a mail to J. Blaizot and L. Michel-Dansac (see contacts) with the following information:

1. Approximate times of arrival and departure.
2. Will you take your lunch at the Observatoire de Lyon on Monday October the 17th ? (This will be a welcome buffet).
3. Will you take your lunch at the Observatoire de Lyon on Wednesday October the 19th ? (This will be a joint buffet with the MUSE workshop which follows).

We can unfortunately not host more than about 50 participants... Please do register as soon as possible (and definitely before Sept. 30). If more than 50 persons are registered before the deadline, we will have to select participants ... which we will do somewhat arbitrarily, though as fairly as possible.